Soldier, Kansas, is a quaint and charming city nestled in Jackson County, renowned for its small-town appeal and welcoming community spirit. Established in the heart of America's Heartland, this city showcases the simplicity and serenity of life in rural Kansas. With a population just over 100 residents, Soldier offers a genuine taste of the rural Midwest, demonstrating a slow-paced lifestyle unmarred by the rush of big city life. Its peaceful natural landscapes, marked by vast plains and open skies, combined with a rich historical background, make Soldier a unique location within the state of Kansas. The city fosters a tight-knit community where people value their neighbors, embodying the true essence of Midwestern hospitality.
Platinum Auto Plaza is Soldier's destination for cars, trucks, and SUVs. We're located is located at 1818 SW Topeka Blvd, Topeka, KS 66612.